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Episode 63 – The Benefits of Mindset Coaching For Nurse Wellbeing

Mindset coaching for nurse wellbeing brings so many benefits to the hospital.

It enhances the health of their nurses, and patients. It also helps nurses be happier making their career path and practice easier to navigate.  Essentially, health equity for nurses involves reconditioning through coaching and mindset training – which offers an innovative approach to training the next generation of nurses.

Episode 63 – The Benefits of Mindset Coaching For Nurse Wellbeing

Mindset coaching for nurse wellbeing brings so many benefits to the hospital.All too often, we see health care practitioners running from shift-to-shift,  just getting through the day. The mindset is to “just get through this next rotation” because those 4-5 days are truly all about work, and getting themselves to and from the hospital.


Read Transcript Below for Podcast Episode 63

All too often, we see health care practitioners running from shift-to-shift,  just getting through the day. The mindset is to “just get through this next rotation” because those 4-5 days are truly all about work, and getting themselves to and from the hospital. The mindset around work is that it’s all-consuming, and they’ll breath again a few days after their shifts are over. That type of work schedule is very taxing on the body and mind.  Thankfully, we see more and more hospitals helping nurses to navigate a different schedule that will suit them best. But it requires staff to speak-up for themselves, and all too often they won’t. What happens when you don’t have mindset that you can control your reality?

Mindset coaching for nurse wellbeing brings so many benefits to the hospital. When nurses are well, they bring inspiration, passion, health and balance to every client they serve. If we can get hospitals to think a little differently in the ways they go about investing in nurse’s personal wellness, the hospital would have the upper-hand in the healthcare industry. Everything that we do on a daily basis is regulated through our mindset, and how we perceive the world. If you have a growth mindset, you likely have a great attitude, and that makes you a great employee that’s easy to get along with. You’re also more apt to provide amazing patient care.

The Paradigm Shift

The idea is to move beyond the old paradigm of wellness training. It’s time to bring some imagination, passion and innovation to whole person wellness that includes mindset training for nurses specifically. That’s what we do, at Satori. Mindset coaching can be very beneficial to support nurse wellbeing.   Nurses, and allied health professionals who work in hospitals and the community see people through their dis-ease. They are compelled to help their clients navigate their dis-ease.

Through this type of work, they can often take-on more than they should – leading to long work hours, complicated shift rotations, difficulty sleeping, and strained cognition. All of this often leads to overall poor work-life balance, and onset of disease. All of this can change with the right mindset, or a shift in attitude, thoughts and beliefs. If you can change your thoughts, you can change your life.

Why Invest In Wellbeing At Hospitals

Research shows that healthy employees have better quality of life and are more likely to deliver better clinical care. But the truth is, nurses aren’t at their best. They haven’t been for decades – no matter how amazing your benefits are. Often times, nurses don’t even use the extended health benefits or EAP services. We can’t just duct-tape together a nursing retention strategy with random EAP wellness courses. They’re a waste of everybody’s time, money and energy. On top of that, hospitals are short-staffed because many nurses have left their jobs in the last few years due to pressures of COVID-19. Vaccine policies have even forced qualified nurses out of the field, and nursing students aren’t getting the nursing placements they used to.

Mindset coaching for nurses would engage your frontline in health and performance-boosting activities. This not only builds resilience, but helps them shift and grow to become more centred regardless of workplace pressures.

Our Thoughts And Beliefs

As I mentioned earlier, if you can change your thoughts, you can change your life. But our thoughts come from our beliefs as well. Because our beliefs have a tendency to distort our reality, having a coaching program that supports the programming of healthy beliefs, and a growth mindset, can enhance how we care for ourselves and our patients. Just like driving a car is so automatic, so are our reactions to situations encountered. Emotions to certain experiences can become easily triggered. Additionally, it can become difficult to make changes in your life. That’s because we’re being led by old subconscious programming.

When you’re repeatedly led by old subconscious programming, you often don’t even realize the thoughts that you’re having – which are sabotaging your health and wellness. Thus, training one’s mind to building more awareness, and mindfulness, helps you to react differently. That can support better thinking habits, which can improve our health and wellbeing.

The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is the part of our brain that stores things like memories and motivation. It houses all our beliefs and habits.  So, if you have a subconscious belief that you are the type of person that can’t sleep during the day “no matter what”,  you will not be able to get a good sleep after a night shift. No matter what you do, the poor sleep habits will STICK, because you actually believe that is the type of person you are. Likewise, if you believe that you’re the type of person that loses fat easily, you will naturally gravitate to healthy weight management habits and they will STICK. Think about all the things you say to yourself on a daily basis that you probably don’t even believe, but they just come from an old program.

It doesn’t really matter what you do, if you can hack your subconscious mind, through mindset coaching, you can make the mind believe that you are capable of (or not) sleeping no matter how hard you try. All of this takes time, strategy, tactic, and the right mindset to truly test your positive, and faulty beliefs. Everything you do will be backed with a conviction that will make every other thing easier or more challenging to execute.

Re-Conditioning Through Coaching & Mindset Training

Often times, if you’re working against certain behaviour patterns it’s because there’s a deep-seated conditioning pattern. This is what’s preventing you from achieving success. You would then need to retrain the thinking brain. When you train your thinking in better ways, through the subconscious mind, you’re in a better position to take action towards the thoughts that are problematic. Often the thoughts that come to us, through the untrained and wandering mind, come from mass thinking and propaganda (Joseph Murphy). If you let others make-up your mind for you, you will get more of what others want you to think.

Satori’s program wants hospitals to break-away from today’s limited tools – and bring in some new ideas of health/wellness and personal development. As a first step, we’re blending all those tiny one-off coaching strategies into an all-in-one platform. And then we’ve layered on more!

Nurse Wellbeing And The Future Of Nursing

The National Academy of Medicine recently published “The Future of Nursing 2020-2030. Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity” and they outlined that nurse well-being and resilience is of great importance in ensuring the delivery of high quality care and improving community health. In order to truly invest in yourself and obtain all you desire, without sacrificing one thing over another, is to have the right mindset and coach to beam the flashlight where it belongs. Satori’s The ProMind Experience does that precisely, in a supportive and guided way. And as a retired nurse, Lynn a very insightful flashlight to what nurses go through on a daily basis.

Track Your Results

In order to achieve health equity for all, and improve healthcare initiatives and leadership, it’s important to create programs that support and guide nurses in using more personal reflection. Not tracking your progress or results is a missing ingredient in most people’s behaviour change efforts. That’s a big mistake, because monitoring your progress can double your chances of making sustainable change. Tracking is like a truth serum that exposes whether you’re progressing or not and what your next steps ought to be.

The ProMind Experience helps you design a personal feedback system that educates, motivates, and accelerates your breakthrough. The digital program helps you to become a healthier and more balanced health practitioner. This way you can juggle your profession with your passions and your family/friends.

Building The Best Hospitals To Work For

Did you know that 80% of employees who work at companies with robust health and wellness programs feel engaged and cared for by their employers?

Partnering with Satori Health & Wellness Coaching, hospitals are engaging their frontline staff at being healthy and well, and improving the lives of their staff everyday. Workplace health promotion programs hold tremendous value in improving staff retention – making YOUR hospital the best hospital to work for. They help employees be healthier and supports a growth mindset in nurses that helps them achieve a level of personal success as well as professional success.

When you have healthy employees, they have greater performance. This is what makes workplace health promotion a staple in many organizations. In addition to enhanced performance, workplace health programs help keep their employees happy and productive. Many workplaces have health & wellness committees, created by the employees themselves (See Episode 41 – Building The Best Hospitals To Work For).

Corporate Responsibility

When employers support employees at preventing chronic disease they are creating an asset in the company. According to the World Health Organization:“The workplace, along with the school, hospital, city, island, and marketplace, has been established as one of the priority settings for health promotion into the 21st century.” According to the CDC, “an investment in employee health may lower health care costs and insurance claims. In fact, employees with more risk factors, including being overweight, smoking and having diabetes, cost more to insure. And that additional cost will be handed-off to the employers, as opposed to people with fewer risk factors.1, 2“

Workplace Health & Nurse Wellbeing

Workplaces have tremendous influence over keeping their employees healthy and promoting work-life balance (see episode 59). One of the big issues that nurses face is first, not having enough time to unwind between shifts, and secondly, not taking the time to unwind. These can certainly have its consequences, both on a personal level and for your hospital as a whole.

This makes the workplace an ideal setting and infrastructure to support the promotion of healthy mindset training  of a large audience; even in areas not affected by work. The thing is, losing an employee can cost an organization at least 50% of their employees wage, depending upon their position in the organization. According to the 2019 National Healthcare Retention & RN Staffing Report, it costs between $40,300 and $64,000 to replace one clinical nurse, with the average hospital losing $4.4 million to $6.9 million each year. Organizations and hospitals that partner with Satori for their corporate wellness strategy engage their employees, and retain their top nurses.

Learn more about the importance of work-life balance and its impact on wellbeing, plus tips for helping your frontline achieve better work-life balance at your organization, in episode 59. 

Mindset Coaching With The ProMind Experience

Work-life balance and nursing wellbeing go together. By arming your employees with the right mindset strategies and personal development solutions, you can facilitate the development of personal wellbeing and sustainable healthy habits.

Satori’s The ProMind Experience enables hospitals to help frontline nurses achieve work-life balance in 7 weeks or less.

  • The bonus training, Banish Burnout Bootcamp, offers tips and strategies to help with stress management
  • Our Team Approach helps staff to navigate their own personalized health journey through fitness and nutrition
  • Opportunities to build social connections with coworkers through the mindful clinician community
  • Seamlessly gamified platform offers a fun experience that hits the dopamine button
  • A fun and engaging closed community-based group to boost collaboration and enhance wellbeing
  • And so much more….Sound like a good fit?Request a Discovery Call with me to see for yourself how The ProMind Experience(TM) can help improve work-life balance at your hospital and organization at this page here. 


Everything we do on a daily basis is regulated through our mindset, and how we perceive the world. A growth mindset can lead to more joy. Coaching that involves mindset training, combined with attending to health and wellness of nurses supports their personal and professional development.

Articles on Mindfulness

1. Baking and Cooking as Mindfulness Activities
2. The Benefits of Everyday Mindfulness
3. Your Own Happy Pill Through Mindfulness Coaching
4. How Meditation Helps for Stress-Management
5. Episode 33. 5 Interesting Facts On Meditation
6. 4 Easy Steps To Build A Meditation Practice
7. Create Your Own Meditation Space – Episode 15 Satori Radio Podcast
8. Mindfulness In The Workplace – Episode 58


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